Tuesday, April 27, 2021

insert_recordset with type casting

Its a well known fact that the insert_recordset is used for performance reasons when we want to use set operations instead of doing record based loop and roundtrips to the server. 

The only problem being that there is no type casting allowed. Consider a scenario like below where there is a data mismatch between the fields being inserted to and the fields being selected from: 

In the statement below using the int2str function is not allowed so how do we type cast ? 


            insert_recordset PriorityTmp( PriortyCode, Description, OrderPlaningId, WrkCtrId, PriorityNum )
            select "P" + int2str( PriorityNum) , "P" + int2str( PriorityNum ) , OrderPlaningId , WrkCtrId, PriorityNum
            from LocalOrderPlanning
            order PriorityNum asc
            where LocalOrderPlanning.RecId         != orderPlanning.RecId &&
                LocalOrderPlanning.WrkCtrId         == orderPlanning.WrkCtrId &&
                LocalOrderPlanning.PlanningStatus   == OrderPlanning.PlanningStatus &&                
		LocalOrderPlanning.MergeLine ==  NoYes::NO;
Unfortunately there is no direct solution for the above using the statements, basically we would want to use a typecast function at the SQL level and this can only be done using views or direct sql statement. For this case we will try to create a view with the necessary type casting : 

The view would have a computed column with the below method :

    static server str PriorityCode()
        DictView dictView2;
        str sPriorityNumField, sReturnField;

        // Construct a DictView object for the present view.
        dictView2 = new DictView(tableNum(AFZOrderPlanningView));

        // Get a string that has the target field name
        // propertly qualified with an alias (such as "A." or "B.").
        sPriorityNumField = dictView2.computedColumnString("AFZOrderPlanning",  fieldStr(AFZOrderPlanning, PriorityNum ), FieldNameGenerationMode::FieldList, true);

        sReturnField = strFmt(" 'P' + cast( %1 as varchar)", sPriorityNumField);

        return sReturnField;
The above column is then added to the fields of the view and is used in the function above. The advantage of using the computed columns is also that it can be filtered upon unlike the display methods that are used in AX. 

Please Note: When adding a computed column to the view, there are two methods to choose from, on the computed column property sheet. These are Method and ViewMethod. Please ensure that ViewMethod property is used to specify the name of the method. 

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