Thursday, September 20, 2018

Basic Docker Commands

Image is a class and container is an object of the class

To delete a container
docker ps -a //The command docker ps only displays running containers. To see all containers, including the stopped ones, use the -a parameter:
docker rm -f
docker system prune //clean up any resources — images, containers, volumes, and networks — that are dangling (not associated with a container):

How to see the log of a container
docker logs bcsandbox //every time the container starts is logs some important information like admin password etc

Get a list of images
docker images or docker image ls

Run an executeable on a docker image (test is the container)
docker exec -it cmd //it stands for interactive 

Spin a container from an image (or create an object from a class)
docker run [options] image[:tag] [command] [args]
docker run -e accept_eula=Y 53ee8b0703ad //53ee8b0703ad is the name of the image

-e stands for an environment variables

There are certain environment variables that used by Navision images
--hostname (-h) specifies the hostname of the container. This is the name you will use to connect to the containers web client and the name you can ping. If you do not specify the hostname, the first 12 characters of the container Id will be used as the hostname.
--name specifies the name of the container. The name is used when referring to the container with other docker commands. If the name is not specified, a random name will be generated using a verb and a name (like friendly_freddy)
--memory (-m) specifies the max. amount of memory the container can use. The default for this option depends on how you are running the container. When you run Windows Server Containers there are no implicit memory option and the container can basically use all memory available to the host. When you run HyperV containers, the default max. memory is 1Gb.
--volume (-v) specifies a folder from the host you want to share with the container and the path inside the container, where you want to mount this folder. --volume c:\myfolder:c:\run\my shares the existing c:\myfolder on the host to the container and the content is in c:\run\my.
--restart specifies the restart options for the container.

command :
docker run -e accept_eula=Y --name bcsandbox -h NAVBC -m 4G -e useSSL=N  -v c:\myfolder:c:\run\my --restart always -e exitonerror=N -e locale=en-us microsoft/bcsandbox

to start using my license file placed in c:\myfolder
docker run -e accept_eula=Y --name bcdev -h DEVBC -m 4G -e useSSL=N  -v c:\myfolder:c:\run\my -e licensefile=c:\run\my\alfazance.flf --restart always -e exitonerror=N -e locale=en-us microsoft/bcsandbox

Which will accept the eula and run the dynamics-nav:devpreview container with 4Gb of memory, test as the name and hostname, http (not https), restart option set to always, locale to en-US, and use the licensefile, which is located in c:\myfolder\license.flf on the host computer.

//Publishing the Docker images on the Network
1. Stop any running containers -> Docker stop bcsandbox
2. Stop the docker service -> Stop-Service Docker
3. Remove the current Containe network-> Get-ContainerNetwork | Remove-ContainerNetwork -Force
4. modify daemon.json file -> '{"bridge":"none"}' | Set-Content C:\ProgramData\docker\config\daemon.json
5. create transprent network (use of of the two commands) -> docker network create -d transparent tlan
New-ContainerNetwork -Name tlan -SubnetPrefix -GatewayAddress -Mode Transparent -DNSServers,
6. Start-Service Docker or restart the docker service
7. Run a container with the new adapter created ->
docker run --network tlan --ip --name devcontainer -e accept_eula=Y -h BCDEV -e username=admin -e password=pass@word1 -e useSSL=N  -v c:\myfolder:c:\run\my -e licensefile=c:\run\my\alfazance.flf --restart always -e exitonerror=N -e locale=en-us microsoft/bcsandbox

 Create an container using navcontainerhelper
new-navcontainer -accept_eula -includeCSide -containerName test -licenseFile c:\myfolder\alfazance.flf -imageName microsoft/dynamics-nav:devpreview
new-navcontainer -accept_eula -includeCSide -containerName test -licenseFile c:\myfolder\alfazance.flf -auth NavUserPassword -imageName microsoft/bcsandbox

commit container as a new image
docker commit navcontainer navbcuaeloc/ver1:lan adapter changed
docker run -d navbcuaeloc/ver1

Fixing the Error = HNS failed with error : Element not found.

stop-service hns
stop-service docker
del 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\hns\'
start-service hns
start-service docker

C:\myfolder\\CleanupContainerHostNetworking.ps1 -Cleanup -ForceDeleteAllSwitches
Restart-Computer -Force

docker run --network tlan --ip --name bcangshudev -e accept_eula=Y -h BCANGSHU -e username=admin -e password=pass@word1 -e useSSL=N  -v c:\myfolder:c:\run\my -e licensefile=c:\run\my\alfazance.flf --restart always -e exitonerror=N -e locale=en-us microsoft/bcsandbox
docker run --network tlan --ip --name bckirtidev -e accept_eula=Y -h BCKIRTI -e username=admin -e password=pass@word1 -e useSSL=N  -v c:\myfolder:c:\run\my -e licensefile=c:\run\my\alfazance.flf --restart always -e exitonerror=N -e locale=en-us microsoft/bcsandbox

New-NavContainer -containerName bcsan -accept_eula -alwaysPull -assignPremiumPlan -auth NavUserPassword -doNotExportObjectsToText -enableSymbolLoading -imageName microsoft/bcsandbox -includeCSide -memoryLimit 3G -shortcuts Desktop -updateHosts

Get-Command -Module NavContainerHelper
Export-NavContainerObject -containerName devcontainer -objectsFolder c:\myfolder -filter 'Type=Report;Id=206'
Convert-Txt2Al -containerName devcontainer -myDeltaFolder c:\myfolder -myAlFolder c:\myfolder\al -startId 70140931