Dialog is a another important framework in AX 2012. When a dialog is created using classes it demands a good understanding of what happens under the hood.
Each dialogField that is added using the dialog classes is internally given a system name and this name can then be used to attach events to the runtime Field. The fieldName method in the dialog class creates the name for a field being added.
We can find the systemName that a control has been assigned by calculating it from the sequence it was added in or alternatively we can run the dialog and check the name from the personalization form.
Once we have the name we can write the extension methods for the control in the class. Follow the following steps for the same
//To allow the system to do Overloading of the function :
public void dialogPostRun(DialogRunbase _dialog)
// allow the dialog infrastructure to raise dialog field events _dialog.dialogForm().formRun().controlMethodOverload(true); _dialog.dialogForm().formRun().controlMethodOverloadObject(this);
// To override the lookup method of a field. (For the third field)
private void fld3_1_lookup(FormControl _formControl, str _filterStr)
Object control;
control = dialog.formRun().controlCallingMethod();
WMSLocation::lookupLocationId(control, DlgFromWrhs.value(),InventLocation::find(DlgFromWrhs.value()).InventSiteId,true);
// To override the modified method of a field. (For the second field)
public boolean fld2_1_modified()
boolean ret;
Object control = dialog.formRun().controlCallingMethod();
WMSLocationIdDefaultIssue WMSLocationIdDefaultIssue;
ret = control.modified();
if (ret)
WMSLocationIdDefaultIssue = InventLocation::find(DlgFromWrhs.value()).WMSlocationIdDefaultIssue;
if (WMSLocationIdDefaultIssue)
return ret;
There is a second method which is more concise in cases where we directly want to overload the runtime control properties
–> A lookup method is required in the first place. Below is the sample code to lookup the exchange rates.
private void journal_Lookup(FormStringControl _control)
SysTableLookup sysTableLookUp;
QueryBuildDataSource qbds;
Query query = new Query();
qbds = query.addDataSource(tableNum(LedgerJournalTable));
qbds.addSortField( fieldNum( LedgerJournalTable , JournalNum), SortOrder::Descending);
query.addCompanyRange( dlgLegalEntity.value() );
sysTableLookUp = SysTableLookup::newParameters(tableNum(LedgerJournalTable), _control, true);
sysTableLookUp.addLookupfield(fieldNum(LedgerJournalTable, JournalName), false);
sysTableLookUp.addLookupfield(fieldNum(LedgerJournalTable, JournalNum), true);
sysTableLookUp.addLookupfield(fieldNum(LedgerJournalTable, Name));
sysTableLookUp.addLookupfield(fieldNum(LedgerJournalTable, OriginalJournalNum));
sysTableLookUp.addLookupfield(fieldNum(LedgerJournalTable, OriginalCompany));
–> The above method can then be called in the dialog method of the runbase class
public Object dialog()
FormStringControl control;
dialog = super();
dlgPostPayrolldlg = dialog.addFieldValue( extendedTypeStr(JournalId),postPayrollJournalId, "Journal to split");
sourceJournalControl = dlgSourceBatch.control();
journalToSplitControl.registerOverrideMethod(methodstr(FormStringControl, lookUp),methodstr(AFZ_CostAllocChangeProcess, journalToSplit_Lookup),this);
return dialog;