Friday, May 15, 2020

X++ SysOperation Framework

Firstly, what is a framework:
To understand frameworks we first need to understand libraries. Libraries are a bunch of code that is pre-written and packaged to save our time. When we need to do a task, we just call the appropriate library and it does the job for us. We don’t need to know the details of how the functions inside the libraries work, we just need to know how to call them.

Frameworks are just like libraries in a way that they make our job easier, but we can't call frameworks in the same way as libraries. To use framework, we have to learn the framework, the framework gives us a structure to place and call our code, and not the other way round.

In simple terms framework is to structure what libraries is to code. Using library we reuse code, and using a framework we reuse a class structure.

When we work with X++ there are these set of framework classes that are used all over X++ development.

SysOperation framework:  
The SysOperation is used whenever there is a user interface which triggers a certain functionality. Its quite close to the MVC pattern and work on the similar principles of segregating code to remove dependencies. 

The Model : Data contract
Its the model class from the MVC pattern in which we define attributes we need for our operation, commonly set as parameters by the user in a dialog. A regular class is identified as a SysOperation Data Contract class by adding the DataContractAttribute attribute to its declaraion.

Additionally, if we want a set of methods to be available to us, we can also extend the SysOperationDataContractBase base class. With this class, we can define how our basic dialog will look like to the user. We can define labels, groups, sizes and types of the parameters.

The View : UI Builder
Its an optional class and is the view part from the MVC pattern. Generally AX creates the dialog for us with a standard view, however if are not happy with the standard view of we want to extend it we use the UI Builder class.

The Controller : Controller 
The controller orchestrates the whole operation. It holds information about the operation, such as if it should show a progress form, if it should show the dialog, and its execution mode - asynchronous or not. To create a controller class you should extend the SysOperationServiceController.

While using the MVC we have to understand that not everything is a perfect MVC and as per OOP principles we have to ensure the dependencies between the classes is minimal. Technically one could put the business logic in the controller, however what if the same business logic has to be used outside the controller and without an interaction ? Hence, it a good idea to store the business logic outside the controller and hence we have the service classes. 

The service class stores the business logic. To create a service class we have to extend it from the SysOperationServiceBase class. When constructing your controller, you can indicate which class holds the operation that the controller will trigger.

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