Monday, October 23, 2017

AX2012 Deploy ListPage with QuickLaunch menu

Generally when a List page is deployed it only gives an option to be deployed in the subsites that have been created in EP.  There could be a scenario where one would want the list page to open with a quick launch menu (navigation pane on the left )

We had created a new list page which had to appear inside the Timesheet Quick Launch Menu. The problem with the deployment was there was no option to deploy inside the Timesheet node, and if the list page was deployed under the EmployeeServices node, the user would lose the Quick Launch Menu each time the url was clicked.

Below are the steps involved to deploy a list page inside a Quick Lauch menu

Step 1. Create a Display menu for the listpage

Step 2. Right click the display menu and deploy the list page to the root site. When the list page is deployed to EP the deployment process will automatically create a WebURL

Step 3. Right click the WebURL menu created and import the page.

Step 4. Select the page (in my case the page name is AFZ_AllocationsListPage) and change the WebModule address. I have added Timesheets in the existing link

Step 5. Now right click on the Page Definition and deploy the page to the new address that has been specified.

Step 6. Once the page has been deployed at the new location the URL can be updated to refer to the new address

Step 7. At this stage the WebURL can be added to the quick launch menu created for timesheets, and when this link is click it would open with the left navigation pane in place as shown below.

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