Wednesday, May 19, 2010

SQL Server Transaction Log

DBCC LOG([,{0|1|2|3|4}])

0 - Basic Log Information (default)

1 - Lengthy Info

2 - Very Length Info

3 - Detailed

4 - Full


DBCC log (MY_DB, 4)

And it displays the following transaction log information:

* Current LSN
* Operation (string starts with LOP_XXXXX)
* Context (string starts with LCX_XXXX)
* Transaction ID
* Tag Bits (Hex)
* Log Record Fixed Length (int)
* Log Record Length (int)
* Previous LSN
* Flag Bits (Hex)
* Description (string)
* Log Record (Hex)

There is another command which is used to read the transaction log ::fn_dblog. I found an interesting hack by Paul S Randal on how to find which user dropped an object using the transaction log.

SELECT [Transaction Id], [Begin Time], [UID], [SPID]
FROM ::fn_dblog (NULL, NULL)
WHERE [Transaction Name] = 'DROPOBJ'

The (NULL, NULL) is the starting LSN and ending LSN to process - NULL means process everything available.

Now, this only shows us that a table was dropped, not which table it was. There's no way to get the name of the table that was dropped, only the object ID - so you'll need to have some other way to determine what the table ID is if there are multiple table drops and only one of them is malignant.

For SQL Server 2000, the code to find which object ID we're talking about is as follows (dropping the Transacation Id into the WHERE clause):

SELECT DISTINCT [Object Name] FROM ::fn_dblog (NULL, NULL)
WHERE [Transaction Id] = '0000:000000e0'
AND [Context] = 'LCX_IAM';

Object Name

The object ID in parentheses is the ID of the table that was dropped.

For SQL Server 2005 and 2008, the code is as follows (with the same Transaction Id substitution):

SELECT TOP (1) [Lock Information] FROM ::fn_dblog (NULL, NULL)
WHERE [Transaction Id] = '0000:00000587'
AND [Lock Information] LIKE '%SCH_M OBJECT%';

Lock Information

The 8:2073058421 is the database ID and object ID of the table that was dropped.

PS If you find the you don't get enough info from ::fn_dblog, try turning on trace flag 2537. It allows the function to look at *all* possible log, not just the active log.

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