Thursday, May 27, 2010

SQL Server sp_execute

We commonly come across this statement when profiling SQL Server i have wondered a lot about what it is and there was some explanation i found for it in the BOL.

The ODBC API defines prepared execution as a way to reduce the parsing and compiling overhead associated with repeatedly executing a Transact-SQL statement. The application builds a character string containing an SQL statement and then executes it in two stages. It calls SQLPrepare once to have the statement parsed and compiled into an execution plan by the database engine. It then calls SQLExecute for each execution of the prepared execution plan. This saves the parsing and compiling overhead on each execution. Prepared execution is commonly used by applications to repeatedly execute the same, parameterized SQL statement.

thus sp_execute is a system stored procedure used with "prepared" statements from a client. The number you see is an internal pointer to the execution plan on the server. The values following that number are the parameters for a particular invocation of the prepared statement

Now when we see sp_execute in the profile and we need to know the text behind it then first thing we can do it to check if there is an "sp_prepare" with the same number in the thread, if there is then you include sql_handle in the trace and you look can up the text for the cache entry using the following statement

select text
from sys.dm_exec_requests
cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(plan_handle)
where session_id = [spid]

you can also enable Prepare SQL event in the profiler to get the handle of the execution plan

I found this problem where a prepared sql was taking much longer to execute when i executed the same sql in the management studio it was actually fast so i am wondering what could make a unprepared sql faster then a prepared sql?

I thought maybe the statistics are out so created the statistics for this table
with a FULLSCAN option and that really helped still not convinced why? maybe i will have to study the execution plan in both the cases and spot the difference i believe that different execution plans are being used in these cases.

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